How to Get a Real Estate License in New York


Becoming a real estate agent is a big step, and one that requires time, effort, and dedication. But the rewards can be great — not only in terms of earning potential, but also the opportunity to someday be your own boss. To get started, you’ll need to meet your state’s licensing requirements. The steps will vary from state to state, but all real estate agents must pass a national and state exam and complete pre-licensing coursework.

In New York, you must first pass the 77-hour qualifying education course (often referred to as the ‘pre-license’ course). The courses are generally offered online or in classrooms. You can also choose to take the courses at a real estate school approved by your state’s real estate commission. Many students find the flexibility of online courses easier, while others prefer the classroom-based option. Also read

Once you’ve completed your coursework, it’s time to sit for the state license exam. Most states require you to score a minimum of 70% on the exam to pass. The exams are usually multiple-choice and include a national portion that covers real estate principles and practices, and a state-specific section covering laws and regulations specific to your area. The number of questions, length of the test, and rules for retaking the exam vary by state.

After passing the state exam, you must submit your completed application to your state’s real estate commission along with any fees required by your state. You’ll also need to select a broker who will sponsor you as an agent. The broker must be licensed and an active member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The broker will be your mentor as you start your career and provide support to ensure you have a smooth transition into the industry.

Your sponsorship broker will be listed on your license, which you’ll be able to access through your eAccessNY account. The license is valid for two years, and you’ll receive email notifications and post card reminders from the state before your renewal date.

Once you have your license, you can start selling property! Just remember that your real estate license will need to be renewed every two or four years, depending on your state’s requirements. In order to renew, you’ll need to complete a certain number of courses — typically between 8 and 90 course hours each year. These courses will keep you updated on changing national and state markets, and help you stay in compliance with regulations. This will ensure that you’re able to continue doing what you love, helping people achieve their real estate dreams.


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